Cash Bids General Questions

• Why should I come here rather than the website or G360?

o You can see all competitor bids on a map without having to go multiple places

o You can get all historical nearby prices, including for competitors (downloadable)

o You can sell grain to Premier (and make an actual contract) on your schedule

o You can make offers 24/7 to capitalize on the market when you aren’t around


• Does this mean you don’t want to service customers in person?

o No, we want all customers to do business when and where they are most comfortable

o A growing number of farmers require online platforms to transact business

o Premier wants to be available to the customer 24/7 in the future when it comes to the business needs, both questions on documentation and actually transacting


Reports General Questions

• What type of device should I use to look at reports in Premier+?

o Definitely a computer – There is simply too much information to display on a phone

o Grower360 is good for the phone, but Premier+ reports are meant to be filtered to make custom reports that the customer wants


• Why are the reports sluggish?

o These reports take into account every transaction in our software and pull together the most pertinent information to you

o The engine that powers this technology of data analytics exists off-site and requires a few seconds to think.


• Does Premier expect me to run all of my own reports?

o No, we simply want to over-communicate.

o If you wish to access your information on your own, we want it to be truly customizable for your needs.

o Employees can run reports from Agvance but even then, some information requested by customers can only be presented in a logical way within Premier+


Weather Stations General Questions

• Where does this information come from?

o We utilize over 115 weather stations United Prairie has installed plus a few public stations

o Each station is reporting weather conditions on a schedule between 5 and 15 minutes


• What is my use of this information?

o You can see and print existing conditions across Central IL

o You can download historical weather information if you need it

o You can see more accurate, local weather history than just the news


• What does Premier gain by me using this information?

o Nothing. This is something we built purely for the customer to have.


• Can I get a weather station on my farm(s)?

o Yes, but at your cost at this time.

o They are an approximately $1,200 investment, thus we are unable to provide them for everyone, at no cost.


Mapping General Questions

• Why does Premier want my field boundaries?

o To know where to send hired trucks if doing hauling for a customer

o To know which fields may be affected by road closures or bridge work

o To help predict the necessary storage space at each elevator before harvest

o To help our customers find better marketing opportunities for their grain

o To show the customer anonymous information they would not get otherwise, like 5 mile radius yield averages


• I am worried about you sharing my information

o Premier employees cannot see field boundary information after it has been entered

o Premier protects customer information at all times and field boundaries are not shared with any one or any entity other than back to you via Premier+

o We store private information on your behalf already, such as bank account information, tax identification, and settlement history. It is all held private.

o There is no one paying us to gather information and we would never sell your information (nor is there anyone asking to buy it from us) – that is a conspiracy


• Doing legwork to get you this information is not ideal

o You have multiple ways to share this with us including:

▪ Mapping by yourself in Premier+ (One customer did 15 fields in 7 minutes)

▪ Having an employee map it for you at one of our offices ▪ Telling your agronomist to send us your boundary files as .shp file types

• Send to


• What do I gain by telling Premier this?

o You will see your yield vs the anonymous 5 mile radius yield

o You will get the ability to have trucks sent to the field without giving direction

o In the future, you will see more field specific information in Premier+ including freight costs to elevators

o If Premier is able to better forecast harvest volume, all customers benefit by helping prevent closures due to lack of space.